The Joyful Friar
The Joyful Friar Podcast explores the soulful, the meaningful, and the mystical in three different ways. First, Afterlife, Interrupted stories, in which someone who died suddenly and traumatically seeks my help and the help of my prayer partners. Second, Compassionate Responses, to readers’ and listeners’ questions and concerns that arise from those stories. And third, Spiritual Practices, influenced by the Catholic Christian tradition I’ve been shaped by that reveal how goodness is at work throughout the universe and within each of us. Each episode reveals insights about living in the present with faith and joyful hope. Be inspired to more fully receive, magnify, and share love.
The Joyful Friar
Finding Joy with Guest: Dr. Yvonne Kason
Fr. Nathan discusses the work of Dr. Yvonne Kason, MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is a world-renowned pioneer in the field of “Spiritually Transformative Experiences.” She talks about her near-death experience (NDE) and the founding of Spiritual Awakenings International.
Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP is a Canadian Family Physician and Transpersonal MD-Psychotherapist, (retired), author of 6 books, public speaker, originator of the term “Spiritually Transformative Experience” (STE), and STE Researcher.
Dr. Kason has had five Near-Death Experiences, and multiple STE experiences. She was previously on faculty at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. She is an internationally renowned medical expert in the field of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, Near-Death Experiences, and Kundalini Awakenings.
In 1994, Dr. Kason originated and coined the phrase, “Spiritually Transformative Experiences”, (STEs), in her ground-breaking book, A Farther Shore. She defined STE as an umbrella term to include diverse spiritual experiences including Mystical Experiences; Kundalini/Spiritual Energy Awakenings; Psychic Experiences of all types; Near-Death Experiences; Other Death-Related STEs; and Inspired Creativity. Dr. Kason elaborated on all types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences in her more recent books, Farther Shores: (2000, 2008), and Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences, (2019).
Connect with Yvonne:
Spiritual Awakenings International:
Spiritual Awakenings International YouTube Channel:
Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group:
Spirituality in Health-Care Network:
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