The Joyful Friar
The Joyful Friar Podcast explores the soulful, the meaningful, and the mystical in three different ways. First, Afterlife, Interrupted stories, in which someone who died suddenly and traumatically seeks my help and the help of my prayer partners. Second, Compassionate Responses, to readers’ and listeners’ questions and concerns that arise from those stories. And third, Spiritual Practices, influenced by the Catholic Christian tradition I’ve been shaped by that reveal how goodness is at work throughout the universe and within each of us. Each episode reveals insights about living in the present with faith and joyful hope. Be inspired to more fully receive, magnify, and share love.
The Joyful Friar
Finding Joy with Guest: Suzanne Giesemann
Fr. Nathan discusses the work of Suzanne Giesemann, whose mission changed from serving her country to serving those dealing with human challenges. Her work provides stunning evidence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness.
Suzanne Giesemann is an author and teacher of "The Awakened Way™" – a path to knowing Who you are and why you’re here. She has been included on the Watkins’ list of “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.”
A former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, today she shares “21st Century Spirituality”, merging the latest scientific understanding about Consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom. Her work provides stunning evidence of the existence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness. She teaches proven methods that anyone can use to connect with all levels of Consciousness.
"When you live in The Awakened Way, you come to know that you are already whole and complete at the level of the soul. The more you allow your true nature to shine through your human role, the more you fulfill your purpose and experience peace, love, and joy moment by moment."
Find more about Suzanne and her mission:
Messages of Hope Podcast:
"The Awaken Way" books:
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